December 19, 2013

The Virtuous Heart in a Bottle

The virtuous heart. The words are printed quite clearly on my painting of a snuff bottle from my imagination. The stone was carved decades ago and I have hardly ever used it. But I thought it would be amusing to use it to embellish this painting of a bottle. As if virtue could be administered from a small bottle. Perhaps there is an ironic theme developing in these bottles conjured in paint emblazoned with messages promising an instant acquiring of virtues, abilities, and achievements that are generally slow in coming if at all. But irony is always present in my art, whether I intend it or no.

At least the bottles are colorful and engaging. This one was painted on paper sized with a blue tinted ground which shows through at the base and through the places where the stamp pulled the wet paint off. For good measure I added some sgraffito as well to bounce the blue around.

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